
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Krauskopf

Prof. Dr. Frédéric Krauskopf has been full professor for private law and comparative law at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bern and director of the Institute for Liability and Insurance Law since 2012. His research areas are private law, focusing on contract, liability and insurance law, and comparative private law. Prof. Krauskopf received his JD (2000) as well as his PhD (2003) from the University of Fribourg. He was awarded the Peter Jaeggi Foundation Prize and the Professor Walther Hug Foundation Award for his dissertation on debt recognition. After becoming a licensed lawyer (2004), he graduated with a Master’s degree from Harvard Law School (2005). After having worked as a lawyer for three years, he received two research grants from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) to support his habilitation project about joint liability at the University of Lucerne. From 2008 to 2009 he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Germany, international research fellow and the Center for Global Law and Policy in Santa Clara, California and postdoctoral visiting scholar at Stanford Law School in Palo Alto, California. Prof. Krauskopf is a member of the editorial board of the Swiss Journal of Tort and Insurance Law. He is also a lecturer at the University of Basel and the University of Lucerne, teaches modules on tort law as part of the diploma course for specialized lawyers in Torts and Insurance Law (SAV), and is a member of the executive committee of the Swiss Society of Liability and Insurance Law (SGHVR).

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